Tips for Preventing Summer Freckles

As temperatures continue to rise in North Carolina, residents and visitors alike are relishing more time outdoors. While the southern sunshine is enticing, it can also be damaging to the skin if proper precautions aren’t taken. The staff at New Visage has a few tips to help you avoid summer freckles this year. If you already have a few of those brown spots, we also have treatments to eliminate them and give you a smoother, clearer complexion.

Why Freckles Occur

Freckles are a visible sign the skin is trying to protect itself from the harmful UV rays of the sun. They form when melanin is produced – a brown pigmentation that makes the skin look tan after it has been outdoors for prolonged periods. Concentrated areas of melanin create the freckling appearance, as well as the brown spots that appear over time known as age spots. These pigmentation marks are typically seen on areas of the skin that are frequently vulnerable to sun exposure, such as the face, chest and shoulders.

Who is at Risk?

Freckles can appear on men and women of any age and with any skin tone. However, fair-skinned individuals are at higher risk for sun-induced freckling, and the spots will be more noticeable on people with lighter skin. This skin color is also at increased risk for sunburns and skin cancer, so anything you do to protect your skin from freckles will also benefit you in reducing these dangers as well.

Best Prevention Tips

Whether you are in the high-risk category or want to take extra steps to keep your skin clear and freckle-free, there are some easy steps you can take this summer:

Never Go Out without Sunscreen

Daily application of sunscreen is a must; not just in the summer but all year long. During the hotter months of the season, you need to be even more vigilant about your sunscreen coverage and reapplication, particularly if you are outdoors for prolonged periods of time.

Invest in a Hat

Wear a wide-brimmed hat outside to keep your face in the shade even during the brightest parts of the day. This preventative tip will also protect your scalp, which can be vulnerable to skin cancer when it is not properly protected from the sun.

Seek Shade

Grab some shade whenever you can, particularly during the middle of the day when UV rays are at their strongest. Even taking a shade break regularly during those long outdoor days will make a difference in your risk for sun damage.

Cool it Off

When the skin’s temperature starts to rise, it makes melanin production even more active. Keep your cool this summer by keeping skin care products in the refrigerator. When you apply them, they will act as a natural coolant for the skin, keeping you and your skin at a more comfortable temperature.

Avoid “Natural” Tans

It may seem like a natural process to allow the sun to tan your skin, but tanning represents skin damage and an increased risk of skin cancer. Tanning booths raise the same risk, so it is best to avoid them completely. If you want a healthy glow for the season, go for the many good sunless tanning solutions on the market today.

Going Freckle-Free

Perhaps you already have a few freckles from a previous summer season, and you don’t want to risk those spots multiplying this year. You can say goodbye to current brown spots with our IPL photo rejuvenation treatment. This procedure uses intense pulses of light to target melanin, eliminating the pigmentation to create a clearer complexion.

IPL treatments are done in less than one hour and are relatively comfortable without the need for anesthesia. Most of our patients see positive results after their very first session, with continued improvements after subsequent treatments. To learn more about the benefits of IPL, contact New Visage today at 252-808-2NEW.